About Nina Paul


Nina Paul is a mindfulness instructor for adults and teens. She has taught workshops in Virginia, led courses for teens in the Fairfax County school system, and is a Lecturer of Mindfulness at the George Washington University in Washington, DC, working with college students, staff, and faculty to incorporate fundamentals of mindfulness into their everyday lives.

Nina has received training in Mindfulness through UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, Mindful Schools, the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction -Teens (MBSR-T) program, and the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine. She is trained to teach mindfulness to youth through the .b Mindfulness for Teens Curriculum certification (UK), Mindful Schools K-12th curriculum training and MINDS INC’s High School Mindfulness Curriculum Training. Nina is also a Practitioner in Training through the EFT Universe.


Why Do I Teach Mindfulness?

Approximately 20 years ago, I began studying the ancient practice of mindfulness to manage the stressors in my life.

Intrigued by the practice and how it made me feel, I wanted to lead both adults and teens, through discussion and practice, on ways to build mindfulness practice into their everyday lives. I wanted to help people begin to combat “autopilot” syndrome, work to live in the present moment, boost mental focus, and help reduce stress.